Views of Venice

Click on the pictures to enlarge them

PROSPETTICA_VENEZIA.jpg (160314 byte)

Art. 7/1

Map of of Venice

size: 25,2x10,6 inches (32,2"x15,7")

€ 60

PROSPETTICA_VENEZIA_PART.jpg (288697 byte) Map of Venice


pianta_media.jpg (136385 byte) Art. 7/2

Map of Venice

size: 17,3x7 inches (27,5"x13,7")

€ 45

venice.jpg (217949 byte) Art. 7/3

Map of Venice, Braun e Hogemberg, 25120

on ancient made paper

size: 14,9x9,8 inches (16,5"x11,8")

€ 35

Art. 7/3A


Braun & Hogemberg 

size: 27,5x19,6 inches (29,9"x22,4")

€ 60

prospettica_veneziaw.jpg (135248 byte) Art. 7/4

Perpective view of Venice


size: 33,4x11 inches (39,3"x13,7")

€ 60

san_marco_venice.jpg (154409 byte) Art. 7/5

View of San Marco

size: 16,1x12,2 inches (22,4"x14,9")

€ 55

Art. 7/6


Murano Island

San Donato

size: 15,3x12,2 inches (22,4"x14,9")

€ 55



PONTE_DI_RIALTO_AD_ORIENTE.jpg (48094 byte) Art. 7/21

Small views

Rialto's bridge eastwards

on ancient made paper

size: 5,3x3,5 inches (7,8"x6")

€ 25

PROSPETTO_DELLA_COLONNA_DI_.jpg (54020 byte) Art. 7/22

Small views

Column of San Marco

on ancient made paper

size: 5,3x3,5 inches (7,8"x6")

€ 25

INIZIO_DEL_CANALE_ED_INGRES.jpg (48781 byte) Art. 7/23

Small views

Beginning of the 'Canal Grande' and city entrance

on ancient made paper

size: 5,3x3,5 inches (7,8"x6")

€ 25

PROSPETTO_DEGLI_EDIFICI_DI_.jpg (48895 byte) Art. 7/24

Small views

Perspective view of San Vitale's buildings

on ancient made paper

size: 5,3x3,5 inches (7,8"x6")

€ 25

PONTE_DI_RIALTO.jpg (51483 byte) Art. 7/25

Small views

Rialto's bridge 

on ancient made paper

size: 5,3x3,5 inches (7,8"x6")

€ 25

venezia_1493_2.jpg (164656 byte) Art. 7/26 

Venezia 1493

Hartmann Schedel

on ancient made paper

size: 15,3x9,8 inches (16,5"x11,8")

€ 35

venezia_1550_2.jpg (256216 byte) Art. 7/27

Venezia 1600

Sebastian Munster

on ancient made paper

size: 14,9x10,2 in. (16,5"x11,8")

€ 35

venezia_1573_2.jpg (244208 byte) Art. 7/28

Venezia 1573

Simon Pinargenti

on ancient made paper

size: 12,9x9,8 inches (16,5"x11,8")

€ 35

venezia_1615_2.jpg (216426 byte) Art. 7/29

Venezia 1625

Henri de Beauvau

on ancient made paper

size: 10,2x13,7 inches (11,8"x16,5")

€ 35

venezia_1650_2.jpg (158355 byte) Art. 7/30 

Venezia 1400

Mattheus Merian

on ancient made paper

size: 15,3x7 inches (16,5"x11,8")

€ 35

venezia_1800_2.jpg (243324 byte) Art. 7/31


Venezia 1800

John Stockdale

on ancient made paper

size: 13,7x11,8 inches (16,5"x11,8")

€ 35

venezia_laguna_1764_2.jpg (171674 byte) Art. 7/32 

Laguna di Venezia 1764

Joseph Roux

on ancient made paper

size: 14,5x9,8 inches (16,5"x11,8")

€ 35

venezia_san_marco_1780_2.jpg (193432 byte) Art. 7/33 

Venezia San Marco 1780

on ancient made paper

size: 12,9x8,6 inches (16,5"x11,8")

€ 35





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