Views  of  Florence

Click on the pictures to enlarge them


Art. 5/1

View of Florence, 1572 (Florentia)

size:15,7x5,9 inches (22"x14,9")

€ 35


Art. 5/2

View of Florence, printed in Nuremberg, 1493 (Flortencia)

size: 15,3x8,2 inches (22"x14,9")

€ 30

PROSPETTICA_DI_FIRENZEw.jpg (153508 byte)

Art. 5/3

Perspective view of Florence

size: 33,4x11 inches (39,3"x13,7")

€ 60

PROSPETTICA_DI_FIRENZE_PART.jpg (136091 byte) Perspective view of Florence


VEDUTA_DELLO_SPADAw.jpg (252212 byte)

Art. 5/4

View of Florence from San Francesco a Monte by Valerio Spada

size: 26,7x9,4 inches (39,3"x14,1")

€ 60

FIORENZA_VEDUTA_MEDIAw.jpg (142842 byte)

Art. 5/5

Fiorenza, 1569, engraver Giulio Bollino from Venezia (Fiorenza)

size: 12,2x9,4 inches (22"x14,9")

€ 30

FIRENZEw.jpg (120265 byte)

Art. 5/6

Geometric map of Florence by Federico Fantozzi, 2543

size: 12,9x15,3 inches (16,5"x21,6")

€ 60

PIANTA_DI_FIRENZEw.jpg (105945 byte)

Art. 5/7

Map of Florence by Seutter

size: 22x25,5 inches (29,9"x22")

€ 60

Art. 5/7A

Map of Florence

Florentia Pulcherrima Etruriae Civitas

F. de Wit, 1780

size: 28,3x17,3 inches (31,4"x23,6")

€ 60

FIRENZE_MONUMENTALEw.jpg (123812 byte)

Art. 5/8

Monumental Florence

on ancient made paper

size: 14,9x10,2 inches (16,5"x11,8")

€ 35

ZOCCHI__UFFIZIw.jpg (182070 byte)

Art. 5/9

Views by  Giuseppe Zocchi

Gallery of Uffizi and Palazzo Vecchio

size: 23,6x16,9 inches (29,9"x22")

€ 60

ZOCCHI__PALAZZO_STROZZIw.jpg (180583 byte)

Art. 5/10

Views by  Giuseppe Zocchi

The Strozzi's palace and square

size: 23,6x16,9 inches (29,9"x22")

€ 60


Art. 5/11

Views by  Giuseppe Zocchi

SS. Annunziata square

size: 23,6x16,9 inches (29,9"x22")

€ 60

FIRENZE_VEDUTE_GRANDI_1w.jpg (130208 byte)

Art. 5/12

Big views of Florence

Santa Trinita bridge seen from Rucellai's palace

size: 23,6x16,9 inches (29,9"x22")

€ 60

FIRENZE_VEDUTE_GRANDI_2w.jpg (222946 byte)

Art. 5/13

Big views of Florence

Santa Trinita bridge seen from Capponi's palace

size: 23,6x16,9 inches (29,9"x22")

€ 60

FIRENZE_VEDUTE_GRANDI_3w.jpg (250678 byte)

Art. 5/14

Big views of Florence

Cathedral square and San Giovanni square with Baptistry

size: 23,6x16,9 inches (29,9"x22")

€ 60

FIRENZE_VEDUTE_GRANDI_4w.jpg (213262 byte)

Art. 5/15

Big views of Florence

View of Arno out of San Niccolò gate

size: 23,6x16,9 inches (29,9"x22")

€ 60

FIRENZE_VEDUTE_GRANDI_5w.jpg (221024 byte)

Art. 5/16

Big views of Florence

Lungarno and Corsini's palace

size: 23,6x16,9 inches (29,9"x22")

€ 60

FIRENZE_VEDUTE_MEDIE_1w.jpg (107852 byte)

Art. 5/17

Ordinary views of Florence

Ponte Vecchio

on ancient made paper

size: 14,5x9 inches (16,5"x11,8")

€ 25

FIRENZE_VEDUTE_MEDIE_2w.jpg (130548 byte)

Art. 5/18

Ordinary views of Florence


on ancient made paper

size: 14,5x9 inches (16,5"x11,8")

€ 35

FIRENZE_VEDUTE_MEDIE_4w.jpg (114535 byte)

Art. 5/19

Ordinary views of Florence

Ponte Vecchio

on ancient made paper

size: 14,5x9 inches (16,5"x11,8")

€ 35

FIRENZE_VEDUTE_MEDIE_3w.jpg (104315 byte)

Art. 5/20

Ordinary views of Florence

Palazzo Vecchio from "Alle Grazie" bridge

on ancient made paper

size: 14,5x9 inches (16,5"x11,8")

€ 35

FIRENZE_VEDUTE_MEDIE_5w.jpg (100741 byte)

Art. 5/21

Ordinary views of Florence

Baptistry, Cathedral and Giotto's bell-tower

on ancient made paper

size: 14,5x9 inches (16,5"x11,8")

€ 35

Panoramaw.jpg (139259 byte)

Art. 5/22

Ordinary views of Florence


on ancient made paper

size: 14,5x9 inches (16,5"x11,8")

€ 35

Firenze1w.jpg (242283 byte)

Art. 5/23

Ordinary views of Florence

Gallery of Uffizi

on ancient made paper

size: 9x14,5 inches (16,5"x11,8")

€ 35

FIRENZE_VEDUTE_PICCOLE_1w.jpg (129752 byte)

Art. 5/24

Small views of Florence

Santa Trinita bridge

(Original engraving by Maestro Virgilio)

on ancient made paper

size: 4,7x3,9 inches (11,8"x8,2")

€ 25

FIRENZE_VEDUTE_PICCOLE_2w.jpg (126210 byte)

Art. 5/25

Small views of Florence

Cathedral and Carraia bridge

(Original engraving by Maestro Virgilio)

on ancient made paper

size: 4,7x3,9 inches (11,8"x8,2")

€ 25

FIRENZE_VEDUTE_PICCOLE_3w.jpg (114266 byte)

Art. 5/26

Small views of Florence

Carraia bridge

(Original engraving by Maestro Virgilio)

on ancient made paper

size: 4,7x3,9 inches (11,8"x8,2")

€ 25

FIRENZE_VEDUTE_PICCOLE_4w.jpg (127931 byte)

Art. 5/27

Small views of Florence

Cathedral of santa Maria del Fiore

(Original engraving by Maestro Virgilio)

on ancient made paper

size: 4,7x3,9 inches (11,8"x8,2")

€ 25

florentia_pulcherrima_w.jpg (167590 byte)

Art. 5/28

Florentia pulcherrima Etruriae civitas

size: cm 28,3x17,7 inches (29,9"x22")

€ 60






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