World maps

Click on the pictures to enlarge them

Art. 4/1


 Globi Terr-Aquei


size:22,4x19,2 inches (29,8"x22")


€ 60

Art. 4/1A



Globi Terr-Acquei 

extra large

size: 40,3x35,9 inches





Art. 4/1B


Globi Terr-Acquei 

extra-large on double sheet

size: 41,7x35,8 inches




€ 240

Globi Terr-Acquei , details:



MAPPAMONDI_2.jpg (93103 byte)

Art. 4/2


Nova Orbis Tabula, 1694


Alexis Hubert Jaillot,


size:22,4x19,2 inches (29,8"x22")

€ 60

Art. 4/2A


Nova Orbis tabula, 1694 

extra large


size: 40,3x35,9 inches



€ 120

Art. 4/2B

Nova Orbis tabula, 1694 

extra-large on double sheet

size: 44,1x35,4 inches



€ 240

Nova Orbis Tabula 1694, details:




Art. 4/3


A New and Accurat Map of the World, 1626


George Humble


size: 22,8x17,3 inches (31,4"x23,6")

€ 60

Art. 4/3A


A New and Accurat Map of the World, 1626

George Humble

extra large


size: 40,3x35,9 inches



€ 120

Art. 4/3B


A New and Accurat Map of the World, 1626

George Humble

extra-large on double sheet

size: 44,4x34,2 inches


€ 240

A New and Accurat Map of the World 1626, details:


Art. 4/4


Planiglobii Terrestris con emisfero celeste


Jo Baptista Homann,

Norimberga 1690


size: 22,4x19,2 inches



€ 60

Art. 4/4A


Planiglobii Terrestris con emisfero celeste

extra large

size: 40,3x35,9 inches



€ 120

Planiglobii Terrestris, details:


Art. 4/5

Nova et Accuratissima Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula

Joanne Blaeu


size: 21,2x15,7 inches


 € 60

Art. 4/5A

Nova et Accuratissima Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula

Joanne Blaeu

extra-large on double sheet

size: 46x34,2 inches


€ 240

Nova et Accuratissima Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula, details:

Art. 4/6

World Map with the voyages and new discoveries by Cap. Cook

Roma, 1788


size: 21,2x15,7 inches


€ 60

Art. 4/6A

World Map with the voyages and new discoveries by Cap. Cook

Roma, 1788

extra-large on double sheet

size: 46x34,2 inches


€ 240

Mappamondo del Capitano Cook , details:


Art. 4/7


French Mappe-Monde


Georges De La Marche,

Paris 1800 ca.

size:22,4x19,2 inches (29,8"x22")

€ 60

French Mappe-Monde , details:



Art. 4/8



Sphaerae Artificialis



Mattheus Seutter, 1710


size:22,4x19,2 inches (29,8"x22")

€ 60

Art. 4/8A


Sphaerae Artificialis


Mattheus Seutter, 1710



size: 40,7x35,5 inches (39,3"x27,5")

€ 120

Planisferi Sphaerae Artificialis, details


Art. 4/9

Jewish world-map

extra large

"Benedictus Arias Montanus", 1571

size: 35x21,2 inches



€ 120

Jewish world-map, details

MAPPAMONDO_DOPPIO.jpg (159738 byte)
Art. 4/10


 Double Planisphere with seasons, crafts and continent's allegories, XVII century


size: 24,4x36,5 inches (29,8"x42")

€ 190

Nova_Totius_Terrarum_Orbis.jpg (295533 byte)

Art. 4/11



Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica Tabula


size: 15,9x13,3 inches (27,5"x19,6")

€ 60

Art. 4/12

Planisferi del Mondo Nuovo

Paolo Coronelli

XVII century

size: 34,2x35,5 inches (39,3"x27,5")

€ 120



Orbis-universalis.jpg (120576 byte)

Art. 4/13

Orbis typus universalis, 1522

on ancient made paper


size:13,7x9,8 inches (16,5"x11,7")


€ 35

Translata-Navigatio.jpg (74288 byte)

Art. 4/14


Nova Typis Translata Navigatio by Honorius Philopponus, 1621



on ancient made paper


size:10,6x12,9 inches (11,7"x16,5")

€ 35


OrderModulo d'ordineOrder

