Maps of Italy

Click on the pictures to enlarge them

ITALIA_2w.jpg (142191 byte)

Art. 51/1 


Italy, post-stages and main roads, Domenico Rossi, Rome, 1695

size: 22,4x16,9 inches (29,9"x22,4")


€ 60

italia_humblew.jpg (245164 byte)

Art. 51/2

Italy by George Humble, 1626

size: 40,7x15,3 inches (29,9"x22,4")


€ 60

italia.jpg (425239 byte)

Art. 51/3

New Italy, XVIII century

size: 18,8x14,1 inches (31,4"x23,6")


€ 60

Art. 51/4


New map of Italy by H. Moll geographer, 1714


size: 22,4x16,9 inches (29,9"x22,4"


€ 45

Art. 51/5


New map of Italy by H. Moll geographer, 1714


size: 39,3x23,6 inches (42,5"x29,9")


€ 120


Art. 51/6


Italy by Matteo Greuter, 2407


size: 34,6x19,2 inches (39,3"x27,5")


€ 120


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On ancient made paper

size: 10,2x10,2 inches (16,5"x11,8")

€ 35

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Map of Italy by Sebastian Munster, 1600


On ancient made paper

size: 14,9x9,4 inches (16,5"x11,8")

€ 35

Art. 51/9


Map of Italy by Sebastian Munster, 1600


On ancient made paper

size: 9,8x14,9 inches (16,5"x11,8")

€ 35

Art. 51/10


Map of Italy "Nouvelle carte d'Italie"


size: 14,9x10,2 inches (19,6"x13,7")

€ 35





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